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Hieroglyph Improvements

If you’re using Hieroglyph for generating slides with Sphinx , you may want to use the version in git rather than the release. A few things have landed there recently:

  • tjadevries contributed fixes for incremental slides in Chrome.

    It seems that a recent change in Chrome caused the incremental slide Javascript, which originated in the Google HTML5 Slides project, to stop working. master has a fix for that.

  • Proper pruning when autoslides are disabled.

    If you have autoslides turned off in a document, Hieroglyph will now properly prune the document when generating slides to only show explicit slide directives. This was broken in 0.5.

  • Fixed header sizing for slide directives.

    The slide directive allows you to specify a level attribute. This is supposed to be used for determining how to render the slide title (for example, a level of 2 should render the title as an <h2>). This was broken in 0.5, and is fixed now.

I’m using Hieroglyph for my PyCon tutorial, “Effective Django”, but the way I’m using it is pretty different than it has been previously. The slides and HTML output differ more, so I’m not relying on automatic slide generation the way I was initially. I expect I’ll make a new release around PyCon (mid-March) when I’ve done an entire talk in this manner.