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Random Life Notes

Just a couple of things I’ve been thinking about lately that haven’t been serious enough to warrant their own entry.

First, Garrett and I are playing volleyball in a city league right now. For those who know me, this committment to a sporting activity is probably suprising, and with good reason. Of course, we suck. Really. I was so excited on Wednesday night: we won one out of four games, and it wasn’t a forfeit! Who knew it was possible. I’m actually sort of enjoying it, so much so that we’ve signed up for the summer beach league. I feel so butch.

On a completely unrelated note, the past week has been rather fun for me, since I’m getting paid to do what I love. Mike from the Creative Commons contacted me a while ago about doing some contract development . It’s not that I don’t love my day job , but rather that it’s nice to do work you know is appreciated and you know is worthwhile. Some days there’s just not enough positive attitude in the world to make diagnosing idiot problems with golf software fulfilling.

Finally, this weekend my home chapter is hosting initiation. We’re initiating the Rho-Glassburn class, named for my big brother and mentor, Jason D. Glassburn. I had a good time at initiation last semester , and hopefully this weekend will be the same (although I’m trying to cut down on the binge drinking). In addition to the standard ritual and after party, the active brothers have organized an alumni appreciation dinner this evening. I already feel appreciated.